American Institute of Architects | Industry Game Changers
Christopher Kelley Leadership Development Program ReNüTeq is pleased to announce that we will be hosting the Annual AIA "Industry Game...

Project Awarded | "Missouri Primary Care Association" | Structural Engineered Bamboo | Structural Frame & Glass Systems
Project Awarded | "Missouri Primary Care Association" | Structural Engineered Bamboo | Structural Frame & Glass Systems

Rebuilding STL From the Inside Out | St. Louis: The Future of Construction Gateway South - St. Louis Panelist - ReNüTeq CEO - Luke Schuette
St. Louis Construction Industry has been a resource for construction knowledge and innovation for over half a century. The Gateway South...

When: August 2nd @ 9AM Mountain Time Where: Sharp Auditorium, Denver Art Museum - + Directions to the Venue Luke Schuette will be...

Four Story Mixed Use Structure Integrating SEB (Structural Engineered Bamboo) for Primary Structure and Glass Elements | Greater St. Louis, Missouri, USA.
The First Greater St. Louis Area Project Integrating ReNüTeq SEB (Structural Engineered Bamboo) into a four story structure begins...

Structural Engineered Bamboo - Podcast with Mass Timber Group + ReNüTeq
Founder and CEO, Luke Schuette was invited to share with Brady Potts and Nic Wilson regarding our Technology and Operations here in...

Introducing the Most Sustainable & Innovative OWJ (Open Web Joist) | Hybrid SEB + Welded Steel Web
ReNüTeq incorporates performance and aesthetics to present the most innovative and sustainable structural hybrid solution integrating a...

St. Louis Project Awarded | "The Farm Pavilion" | Structural Engineered Bamboo Integrated | Donald Danforth Plant Science Center
First St. Louis Project Integrating ReNüTeq SEB (Structural Engineered Bamboo) December of 2024 - Projected Completion Contractor:...

ReNüTeq's Highest Performance Structural Material: “RadLam®" - Controlled Supply Chain - Americas..
“RadLam®” RLB (Radial Laminated Bamboo) "Lam-Stock" & Components for performance grade Structural Building Systems: GluLam Beams,...

Engineered Architectural Bamboo | Movable Glass Walls
ReNüTeq is committed to delivering renewable structural technologies & innovative building solutions. Ultimate aesthetics, performance,...